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This is a weird and wonderful tea. The leaves are gigantic, wide, flat, long.
First try with this tea was 30 seconds infusion at 160 degrees, about a
gram of tea in 2 ounces of water in a small porcelain gaiwan. It is
sweet, spicy, vegetal, floral.
So far, the 9th infusion is still very similar, very very nice: the
vegetal flavor is weakening, mildly there, but the sweetness and spicy
is still present. And this is not a super fancy version of this tea: I
only paid $39.99/lb for it. The ends of the leaves are broken, so
it’s not fully intact, but given the size of the leaves, a break
or two in each does not seem to be making anything bitter.
Even after 5 infusions, the sweet/spicy scent is still there in the wet leaves.
It reminds me most of the Anji white tea I’ve been getting from
WHF, but this one is a fraction of the price. I will definitely keep
this one in regular circulation.

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