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A tasting of four sheng puerhs, 2005-2008 vintages
March 2010
2005 Menghai "Early Spring" Raw Pu-erh tea tuo (Yunnan Sourcing)
2006 A-Gu Zhai Wild Arbor Pu-erh tea * Bu Lang Shan (Yunnan Sourcing)
2007 Rui Cao Xiang "Wu Liang Wild Arbor" Raw Pu-erh tea (Yunnan Sourcing)
2008 Yi Wu Mountain Bamboo Raw Pu-erh tea (Norbu)
This was particularly fun because these were all such lovely teas.
I liked the first and last best, but all were sweet and spicy and
complex and not bitter.
Used 1.2-1.3 grams of tea in small 40 mL gaiwans
boiling water flash rinse
Infusions 185°F/85°C-195°F/90°C
10”, 15”, 20”, 25”, 30”, 35”, 40
2005 Menghai "Early Spring" Raw Pu-erh tea tuo (Yunnan Sourcing)
Dry Leaves: sweet, earthy aroma; 250g tuo
Liquor, 1st infusion: sweet, spicy, smoky, love it
Liquor, 2nd infusion: same
Liquor, 3rd infusion: spicy, earthy, sweet, smoky
Liquor, 4th infusion: Sweet, spicy, earthy, smoky
Liquor, 5th infusion: sweet, earthy, smoky
Liquor, 6th infusion: sweet, spicy, smoky, yum
Liquor, 7th infusion: smoky, earthy, trace of sweet
Wet Leaves: sweet, spicy, floral scent; broken leaves of variable sizes, red tint
2006 A-Gu Zhai Wild Arbor Pu-erh tea * Bu Lang Shan (Yunnan Sourcing)
Dry Leaves: sweet, hay/straw, earthy
Liquor, 1st infusion: sweet, camphor, spice
Liquor, 2nd infusion: sweet, spice, less smoky
Liquor, 3rd infusion: sweet, earthy, smoky
Liquor, 4th infusion: sweet, earthy, little spice again
Liquor, 5th infusion: sweet, smoky, spicy
Liquor, 6th infusion: sweet, spicy, bit astringent
Liquor, 7th infusion: warm, earthy
Wet Leaves: sweet, spicy, floral scent; broken leaves, variable size, redder veins, reddish tint to some leaves
2007 Rui Cao Xiang "Wu Liang Wild Arbor" Raw Pu-erh tea (Yunnan Sourcing)
Dry Leaves: sweet tea aroma; sample portions broken from a beeng
Liquor, 1st infusion: sweet, vegetal, rounded and deep
Liquor, 2nd infusion: same
Liquor, 3rd infusion: earthy, vegetal, smoky
Liquor, 4th infusion: same
Liquor, 5th infusion: sweet, earthy, vegetal
Liquor, 6th infusion: vegetal, astringent, but still sweet
Liquor, 7th infusion: vegetal, warm, astringent
Wet Leaves: sweet, spicy, floral scent; more intact leaves, variable sizes, some reddish tints
2008 Yi Wu Mountain Bamboo Raw Pu-erh tea (Norbu)
Dry Leaves: fruity, earthy, black tea scent
Liquor, 1st infusion: floral, fruity, sweet, warm
Liquor, 2nd infusion: peachy, floral, sweet, caramel
Liquor, 3rd infusion: peachy, caramel, sweet
Liquor, 4th infusion: peachy, floral, sweet
Liquor, 5th infusion: same (mmmmm)
Liquor, 6th infusion: sweet, still peachy, floral
Liquor, 7th infusion: peachy, warm, caramel
Wet Leaves: sweet, spicy, floral scent; broken leaves of variable
size, twisted leaves that don’t want to be opened, red tint to
Upper left 2005 Menghai "Early Spring" Raw Pu-erh tea tuo (Yunnan Sourcing)
Upper right 2006 A-Gu Zhai Wild Arbor Pu-erh tea * Bu Lang Shan (Yunnan Sourcing)
Lower left 2007 Rui Cao Xiang "Wu Liang Wild Arbor" Raw Pu-erh tea (Yunnan Sourcing)
Lower right 2008 Yi Wu Mountain Bamboo Raw Pu-erh tea (Norbu)
Dry leaves

Infused liquor

Wet leaves

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