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2008 Song Zhong #5
Phoenix Dan Cong Oolong from TeaHabitat,
March 2011

A first brewing of a spectacular tea. I was intending to reach
for my 60mL Chao Zhou pot, having planned on a small series of
infusions, but without really paying attention grabbed a larger pot
instead. So there were fewer than anticipated infusions because
the tea was really quite dilute. Despite that, it really
Sweet, scent of dried apricots from the long, thin, twisted, quite dark
brown leaves

Used 1.5g leaf in 100 mL clay pot--which as you can see is not much for
the size of the pot

205 degrees, first infusion 20 seconds--still that apricot scent,
floral in the first infusion, and the flavor matches--stone fruit with
flowers. Oh my oh my.
2nd infusion, 45 seconds, sweet, floral, fruity, more intense with the
longer infusion. A touch of spice--cinnamon, mace--on the back of
the tongue, along with the floral.

3rd infusion, 45 second, more of the same--floral, fruity.
5th infusion, 1 minute--spicier coming to the fore, with the
fruity/floral notes still rounding out the flavor, felt more at the
sides of my mouth and in the sweet aftertaste. I open my mouth,
inhale though it, and the sweet floral taste remains. I set a
part of this apart in the aroma cup, and when I remembered it a couple
of minutes later, it had cooled, but still, wow!, it was brilliant.
6th infusion, probably 2-3 minutes, more floral and fruity, didn't
drink it slow enough to really process the flavors in great
Setting it aside for a while now, before I float away on this pool of
tea inside me.
A 7th infusion again needed more patience. Will go away from the
next one for a while, but pour water over the pot to try to keep it hot
and brewing….
And 8th at about 6 minutes was clearly demonstrating that the leaves
were spent. Sigh. They're still an elegant mix of red edges
and green middle.

Can't wait to do this one again with the Chao Zhou pot and double the
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