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Lentil-Spelt Soup

I was hanging out at Craig's house in Berkeley, thinking about the Shadow's Lentil Soup, but I didn't have the recipe with me.  So I looked in his cupboards and came up with this....which I like just as much as the other recipe.  The spelt berries add body and depth to the soup, and have a nice soft bite when cooked.

1 1/2C spelt (whole spelt berries, or whole wheat berries if you don't have spelt)

6C turkey or other nice rich stock

Cook 15 minutes in pressure cooker at 15 lbs pressure, remove from heat and let pressure drop on its own.  If you don't have a pressure cooker, you probably should soak the berries in the stock overnight and then simmer them for an hour or so before adding the lentils.

1 medium onion
1/4t celery seed

While the spelt is cooking, saute in olive oil for 3-4 minutes

3-4 carrots, chopped coarsely or fine dice as you prefer
3-4 stalks celery, ditto
(optional:  1-2 potatoes, ditto)
4 cloves garlic
1/2t fennel seed
4 cloves
2-4 bay leaves
dried or fresh rosemary to taste
pinch salt

add to onions & saute until lightly colored 5-8 min

1C lentils

add this and the sauteed vegetables to the spelt, and cook all together at a gentle simmer until the lentils are tender

finish w/salt & pepper to taste

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