May 2007 Bowl Show Results


Outside of their tanks and without the rest of their school, none of these fish are in their best color, but they're still entirely cool little fish (ok, except the silver dollar, who was not at all little!).

(1) Brown pencilfish, Nannostomus sp (?beckfordi) Gary Lange

(2) Black skirt tetra, Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, Dwayne Peters

(3) Silver Dollar Tetra, Metynnis hypsauchen, Phillip Newell

Also entered:

Pristella maxillaris, pristella tetra, Marlon Felman

Emperor tetra, Nematobrycon palmeri, Ron Huck

Coral pencilfish, Nannostomus mortenthaleri, Gary Lange

Diamond tetra, Moenkhausia pittieri, Phillip Newell

Lemon tetra, Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis, Marlon Felman

Bleeding Heart, Nematobrycon palmeri, Gary Lange

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