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Bowl Show Entry Forms
Download PDFs here. Note that there are two entry forms per sheet—one for now, and one for next month!
Special or Open refers to the monthly specialty classes or the regular open class.
M F is obvious, because the sex of the fish being shown is not always
obvious to the judge, and a large, colorful female might be mistaken
for a small, drab male and not get the credit she deserves.
And the checkoff for “first year MASI member: only helps us
decide whether your points go towards the annual bowl show award in the
open or novice class—it has nothing to do with the monthly
judging. People who are in their first full calendar year as MASI
members get a chance to compete against other novices before jumping in
against the regulars. If you're not sure if you qualify as a
novice for the show, feel free to ask!
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